الثلاثاء، 22 أكتوبر 2013

جدول اختصارات الوصفة الطبية 
Drug Prescription Abbreviations Latin
Abbreviation Latin ......... Latin Term ................................Meaning.................x
ac ................ ante cibum ................. Take medication before meals. 
bid ............... bis in die...................... Take medication twice a day. 
hs ................ hora somni .................... Take medication at bedtime. 
od ................. oculus dexter................. Use medication in right eye. 
os ................... oculus sinister................ Use medication in left eye. 
po ................... per os ......................... . Take medication by mouth. 
pc .................... post cibum ................ Take medication after meals. 
prn .................. pro re nata................. Take medication as needed. 
q3h .......... quaque 3 hora ....... Take medication every three hours. 
qd...................... quaque die ................. Take medication every day. 
qid ........... quarter in die............ Take medication four times a day. 
tid .................. ter in die ........... Take medication three times a day

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